

Capture text from anywhere!

Instantly grab any text from anywhere on your desktop screen - whether it’s from videos, images, app interfaces, documents, or more.


“Capture Text”

Use “Capture text” button or use Shortcut key


- This is unbelievably fast
- Copies any text in plain format
- Allows you to paste in any styled context


Unlimited clipboard history

Every copied text, whether captured through Textly or copied normally (Cmd+C), is stored for easy access.

URL detection

Automatically detects URLs in captured text and opens them in your default browser while copying the entire text.


QRCode capture

Captures QR codes, opens the detected URL in your default browser, and copies the extracted text for easy access.

Lightning-fast all shortcuts

"Quickly perform actions with shortcut keys."


Get Textly now and capture text from anywhere effortlessly.

Download on the Mac App Store today!